Restoring our harmony with nature through food stories and experiences

We believe that stories and experiences - modalities our ancestors used over millennia to transmit knowledge and wisdom - are key to creating inner and, eventually, outer change. ⁠

Here, at Arcadia, we apply this belief to our deepest passions: food and drink. ⁠

Both are fundamental to the human experience; yet, they represent so much more than just physical sustenance. Food and drink - at least, the kind we support - are intimately connected to the people, land and traditions behind them. They also have the important power to communicate nature-rooted wisdom across generations. ⁠

It's our deepest wish that - whether through our unique food and drink stories, experiences, courses or products - we can help you to discover new horizons, gain new knowledge, feel new feelings - and, with delightful joy - collectively restore our harmony with nature. ⁠


From our founder

Learn more about our vision, philosophy and values from Rosalind Yunibandhu, Founder and Managing Director of Arcadia Fine Foods Company Limited, in this special webinar given for the Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce on 8 May 2020.